The Mongolian Rotarians’ donation to fight the COVID 19 and special equipment donation

The Mongolian Rotarians’ donation to fight the COVID 19 and special equipment donation

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By PP Salima B., DAG area 9

December, 28 2020, the Rotary Development Fund of Mongolia donated 100 million MNT and and handed over 170 million MNT worth of medical equipment for hazardous waste disposal to support the Government of Mongolia and the State Special Commission’s anti-pandemic efforts. In consultation with the Ministry of Health, the donation is agreed to be used to purchase 100,000 COVID-19 molecular biology (PCR) nasopharyngeal swabs and 200,000 tubes for sampling at the National Center for Communicable Diseases (NCCD) which provides timely diagnosis, detection, surveillance, and contact testing for the COVID-19 pandemic and ensures the availability of reagents and diagnostic kits in aimags and districts.

 At this time of the COVID-19 epidemic, it is important to dispose of hazardous medical waste in accordance with the standards. The Rotary Club of Paris, a partner of the Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar, has commissioned to donate two pieces of hazardous waste disposal equipment to the Ministry of Health. These devices worth a total of 170 million MNT will be distributed to the health centers of Mandal soum of Selenge aimag and Sevrei soum of Umnugovi aimag .

The donation ceremony was attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Mongolia, Mr. Philippe Marlin, and the Deputy Minister of Health, Ms. Sh. Ankhmaa