Distribution of New Year Lucky Bags to the Elderly
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A joint service project of Rotary Club of New Territories, Rotary Club of the Peak and Pok Oi Hospital
Article contributed by President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories and President Felix Chan of Rotary Club of the Peak
Rotary Club of New Territories and the Pok Oi Hospital launched the “Rotary and Pok Oi Partnership” in community care projects in 2017 with the support and promotion of the Past President Danny Chow and Joseph Yim of Rotary Club of New Territories. The goal of the partnership is serving and caring for the elderly. Past President Danny Chow is also the Vice-chairman of Pok Oi Hospital.
This year, Rotary Club of New Territories co-organised the community care project with Rotary Club of the Peak. President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories and President Felix Chan of Rotary Club of the Peak, respectively led their club members to a community centre of Pok Oi Hospital and personally packed and distributed 200 lucky bags to the elderly in the New Territories. On the day of the event, Chairman of Pok Oi Hospital, Mrs. KAN CHAN Kit Har, Josephine, O.St.J., personally led a group of volunteers from Pok Oi Hospital to support and serve at the community centre.
Rotary Club of New Territories was chartered in 1969. It was the first Rotary Club focusing community services in the New Territories. It coincided with this year that President Felix Chan of Rotary Club of the Peak is an indigenous inhabitant of the New Territories and his family member was one of the founders of Rotary Club of New Territories. This event has not only united the close cooperation between Rotary Club of New Territories and Rotary Club of the Peak, but also embodies the inheritance of the Rotary International motto “Service Above Self”.
Highlights of the Service Project
Rotary Club of New Territories and Rotary Club of the Peak distributed lucky bags to the elderly during Chinese New Year with Pok Oi Hospital. On the day of the event, Chairman of Pok Oi Hospital, Mrs. KAN CHAN Kit Har, Josephine, O.St.J. (second from the right), personally led a group of volunteers from Pok Oi Hospital to support and serve at the community centre. Second from the left is President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories. First from the right is President Felix Chan of Rotary Club of the Peak.
新界扶輪社及太平山扶輪社聯合博愛醫院 新春派發福袋送暖行動
「博愛扶輪友同行」社區關愛計劃 – 「新春耆樂融融」福袋派發
新界扶輪社及太平山扶輪社聯合博愛醫院新春派發的福袋內有米、 芥花籽油、全蛋麵 、搓手液、梳打餅 及口罩 ,為長者送上祝福及温暖。
圖為太平山扶輪社社友黃棣彰與博愛醫院的義工團隊一起包裝福袋送予長者,期間黃棣彰表示自小便與家人積極參與博愛醫院的服務,家族中其姨婆梁省德女士更為博愛醫院前主席(1967年),因此知道是次太平山扶輪社聯合博愛醫院的服務, 十分雀躍並馬上報名親自到現場包裝及派發福袋予新界區的長者。
PEOPLE of ACTION – 感謝活動當日一起包裝及派發福袋的社友,包括新界扶輪社社長陳志雄(左四)、太平山扶輪社社長陳安立(右四)、社友李志豪博士(左一)、社長提名人陳雪麗(左二)、副社長李展文(左三)、前社長嚴偉豪(右三)、社友黃棣彰(右二)及學員Rothia(右一) 。
PEOPLE of ACTION – 新界扶輪社、太平山扶輪社、博愛醫院主席簡陳擷霞女士及一眾義工上下一心,一起包裝福袋,準備於新春期間派發予長者。