Rotary Club of New Territories’ Rotary Adopt A School (RAAS) Vocational & Community Services

Rotary Club of New Territories’ Rotary Adopt A School (RAAS) Vocational & Community Services

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Article contributed by Francis Chan, President of Rotary Club of New Territories and CHIN Yiu-ming, Principal of South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School

Fruitful Time for Rotary Club of New Territories & its Rotary Adopt A School (RAAS) partner

Rotary Club of New Territories and South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School (“STMGSS”) established partnership under ”Rotary Adopt A School” Programme

Rotary Club of New Territories supports and cares about the development of vocational training and community services in South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School.



新界扶輪社與南屯門官立中學為《 扶輪「與校同行」計劃 》 的合作伙伴。

新界扶輪社支持及關心南屯門官立中學職業訓練及社會服務的發展。 新界扶輪社社長陳志雄於2020年11月26日到訪南屯門官立中學運動會,期間與校長、師生以及家長們交流了學校以及扶輪社的最新發展,其中特別關注到學校在體育及環保領域的發展。

Activity 1:

Visit to RAAS partner School

President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories visited South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School Sports Day on 26 November 2020. During the visit, he communicated with the principal, teachers, students and parents on the latest development of the Rotary Club and the school, especially the development of the school in the fields of sports and environmental protection.

President Francis Chan was also the officiating guest of the opening ceremony and awards presentation ceremony of the Sports Day. During the ceremony, he gave a speech to the teachers and students to introduce Rotary and the ”Rotary Adopt A School” Programme.  He also explained to students the needs of various new skills in the workplace under the epidemic and encouraged students to develop an attitude of embracing change and lifelong learning.

Rotary Club of New Territories actively supports and cares about the development of the school in various aspects, including the promotion of environmental protection and sports activities, the development of new sports, community services, and the new skills learned by students in the ever-changing environment.



陳志雄社長並擔任主禮嘉賓主持運動會的開幕禮及頒獎禮,席間向全校師生致辭並介紹扶輪社以及《 扶輪「與校同行」計劃 》,同時向同學們講解疫情下職場對各項新技能的需求, 藉此勉勵同學們培養擁抱轉變及終身學習的態度。


The South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School presented an exquisite souvenir to its RAAS partner, the Rotary Club of New Territories, to commemorate the visit of President Francis Chan as the officiating guest of the Games.

President Francis Chan (right) was the officiating guest of the opening ceremony and awards presentation ceremony of the South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School Games. The Rotary Club of the New Territories actively supports and cares about the development of the school in various aspects, including the promotion of sports activities and the development of new sports.

President Francis Chan (left two) presented the awards to the winning team as the officiating guest of the Games. On the right is the CHIN Yiu-ming, the principal of South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School.

Activity 2:

“STMGSS Sunshine Action – Distribution of Lucky Bags to the Elderly”

Rotary Club of New Territories together with STMGSS Parent-Teacher Association and Elderly Academy donated a total of 700 lucky bags to the elderly in the community to express love and concern during the COVID-19 pandemic. Beneficiary parties include 100 elderlies in the Butterfly Bay Baptist Church Elderly Centre and 600 elderlies of the students. President Francis CHAN of Rotary Club of New Territories and Principal CHIN Yiu-ming of STMGSS delivered the lucky bags, in person, to the representatives of the Butterfly Bay Baptist Church Elderly Centre on 9 February 2021.


全情參與「福袋派發 – 陽光大行動」

新界扶輪社支持南屯門官立中學舉辦「福袋派發 – 陽光大行動」,聯同南屯門官立中學家長教師會及長者學苑合共捐助了700個福袋予區內長者,疫情期間向長者送上關懷和溫暖。受惠人士包括100位蝴蝶灣浸信會長者中心長者,以及600位南屯門官立中學生家中的長者。新界扶輪社陳志雄社長及南屯門官立中學陳耀明校長於2021年2月9日親自把福袋送予受惠機構蝴蝶灣浸信會長者中心的代表。

Beneficiary parties include 600 elderlies of the students of South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School.

Activity 3:

STMGSS Chinese Traditional Performing Arts Variety Show

President Francis CHAN, President Nominee Kitty CHAN and Vice President Joe LEE of Rotary Club of New Territories participated in the Chinese Traditional Performing Arts Variety Show of South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School on 26 Feb 2021. They joined other honourable guests at the Ribbon-cutting Ceremony and the Lion Eye-dotting Ceremony to officiate the opening of the variety show. After the ceremony, all guests helped to pack lucky bags for the elderly and enjoyed students’ performance together. The activities that day were magnificent, in which STMGSS Chinese Orchestra Team and STMGSS Chinese Dance Teams performed in the show. Rotary Club of New Territories takes an active role in promoting the Chinese traditional arts and culture in school.




About Rotary Adopt A School Program

Rotary International District 3450 is one of the partners of the Business-School Partnership Programme. Its Rotary clubs are teaming up with schools in Hong Kong under the Rotary-School Partnership: “Adopt A School” Programme. It is expected the Rotarians, with their diverse background and expertise, will be able to provide supports and assistance to the partnering schools. Depending on the needs of the schools, support and potential assistance to be provided includes organization of career talks, vocational visits, service projects and activities for students, sharing of management experience with school principals and teachers, consultation on issues in relation to schools operation and management, etc.

扶輪「與校同行」 (RAAS)簡介

國際扶輪社第3450區是商校合作計劃的合作夥伴之一,其中扶輪社會與學校合作,組成扶輪與學校間「與校同行」合作伙伴關係。扶輪社員將憑藉其不同的背景和專業知識為合作學校提供支持和協助。 根據學校的需求,將提供的支持和潛在援助包括組織職業講座,職業探訪,社會服務計劃和設計予學生的活動,與學校校長和老師分享管理經驗,就與學校營運和管理有關的問題進行諮詢等。

For details about RAAS, please visit the website or facebook page

有關 「與校同行」 RAAS的更多詳細信息,請訪問網站