Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE)
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by PP Herman Lo ( Chair of District Youth Exchange Committee 2020-2021)
Why RYE ?
Youth Exchange programs are very important youth services organised by RI. RYE belongs to Peace in six areas of focuses. It helps youth gain global understanding and promote peace. Participation in RYE could learn new language, discover different culture and custom and make friends that last life time. On the other hand, Rotary could instil international understandings and goodwills in youth, create positive empowering in youth. In addition, more importantly, relationship between host clubs, families, communities and participants could be created and developed.
Types of RYE programs
RYE could be divided into Inbound YE and Outbound YE, short term and long term. Inbound YE program could host a YE program whist Outbound YE program is to send students to other countries that host YE programs. Long term YE could last a school academic year, student would live in several host families and attend school while Short term YE could last from a few days to several months, student could stay with local families, or the program could be in form of camp or tour.
RI administers District Certification program. Arranging both long term and short RYE programs requires District Certification and districts must fulfil requirements imposed. Full District Certification could organise Inbound YE and Outbound YE programs, there is an Outbound only Certification. D3450 possessed Outbound only Certification for Macau area only in the past. District YE Committee has worked in the RY 20/21 on filing application to RI to extend the Outbound only certification to Hong Kong and Mongolia areas. The application documents included youth protection policy which involved Abuse and Harassment Prevention Policy and Allegation Reporting Guidelines. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, RI imposed additional requirements to districts to submit Crisis Management Plan for YE program. On 20.4.2021, RI approved Outbound Only YE Certification for D3450 to include Hong Kong, Mongolia and Macau.
It is worthwhile to mention that arranging YE programs without suitable certifications is called ‘Back Door’ YE which is strictly prohibited by RI. Districts which implement such programs are liable to suspension of certifications. In fact, DG has to commit that District would comply with rules and regulations of RI regarding YE programs during the course of application.
Suspension of YE Program by RI
On 24.11.2020, RI decided to suspend all Rotary YE program through 30.06.2021 and on 20.03.2021, RI announced suspension through 30.06.2022 in response to the development of the COVID19 pandemic.
Looking Forward
District YE Committee would strive to arrange trainings, promotions and preparation works of in-person Outbound YE program while virtual YE would be arranged during the in-person YE program suspension period.
Documents from RI
For those who are interested in RYE, you are advised to make reference to documents issued by RI which include Rotary Youth Exchange Handbook, Youth Protection Guide and Code of Polices of RI.
District Youth Exchange Committee:-
PP Herman Lo – Chair and D3450 Youth Exchange Officer
P Sayoko Yeung – Vice Chair
P Thomas Chan – Vice Chair
青年交流乃國際扶輪一項重要活動,青年交流可分為來訪(Inbound)和派遣(Outbound),兩種交流均設有長期交流和短期交流。長期交流可牽涉一個學季而短期則由幾天到幾個月不等。不論長期或短期,來訪或派遣,國際扶輪均要求各地域持有適當認証(certification)才可辦青年交流計劃,其用意為保護參與的青年。來訪認証可以實行來訪及派遣青年交流,亦有一種只可實行派遣青年交流(Outbound Only Certification)。無証辦交流可引致暫停認証許可。目前District 3450的Outbound Certification 除原有澳門,在20/21年度獲得批准區域增展至香港及蒙古,現時三個區域均可辦派遣青年交流活動。因受疫情影響,國際扶輪將實體交流暫停至2022年6月30日。期間,D3450青年交流委員會將舉辦訓練、講座及綫上青年交流活動。