11th Bowling Tournament for All cum 10th Blind Bowling Tournament
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By AG Frank Chan, Organizing Committee Chair of 10th Blind Bowling Tournament

Our annul sport event, the 11th Bowling Tournament for All cum 10th Blind Bowling Tournament was successfully held on Sunday May 23rd 2021 at South China Athletic Association Bowling Centre. Co-organized by Rotary International District 3450 and Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation, the event’s main objectives were to raise the self-confidence of people with visual impairment through equal participation in sports tournament and to arouse the public awareness on their abilities.
Although under the influence of the pandemic, we had an excellent participation rate, occupied a record breaking 60 bowling lanes at SCAA. Total 39 teams competed, in which there were 27 Rotary teams, 5 Rotaract teams, 1 Interact teams and 6 corporate teams, along with 40 visually impaired bowlers.
At the opening ceremony, we were very honored to have invited Ms. Vivien Lau, BBS JP, Vice-President of the Sport Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong and Chairman of the Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress, Mr Martin Lam, MH, General Secretary, Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled, Mr. Roger Ngan, Chairman, Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation, Mrs Grace Chan, JP, Founder & CEO, Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation & Organising Committee Chairman as our officiating guests. Together with DG Eric Chak, bowled the first ball to kick-off the tournament. After the opening, DG Eric and Rotary Ultramarathon Chair AG Derrick presented a cheque amount of HK$265,000 to HKBSF Chairman, Mr. Roger Ngan, to support the federation to continue promote equal participation and sports for all.
Congratulations to our winners:
Rotarian Team
Champion: Rotary Club of The Peak
1st Runner Up: Rotary Club of Kwai Chung
2nd Runner Up: Rotary Club of Kwai Tsing
Corporate Team
Champion: Gammon Construction Ltd.
1st Runner Up: 新地義工Team力量Team A
2nd Runner Up: 新地義工Team力量Team B
Rotarian Individual
Champion: Alcuin Li, Rotary Club of Kwai Chung
1st Runner Up: Yip Ka Hay, Rotary Club of The Peak
2nd Runner Up: Gerald Lau, Rotary Club of The Peak
Rotary New Generations Individual
Champion: Yan Tsz Chung, Rotaract Club of Kwai Chung
1st Runner Up: Yuk Tai Sang, Rotaract Club of Sunrise
2nd Runner Up: Ayumi, Rotaract Club of Peninsula Team B
A big thank you to everyone who participated in Blind Bowling Tournament and all the volunteers who helped make it a success. See you next year!