DG September Message
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Well, August has gone by in a jiffy. On the 28th August, we held the DLDA at the Hong Kong Convention Centre with over 180 Rotarians and 20 Rotaractors attending. District Youth Service Committee Chair PP Menza Chu, District Rotaract Representative Luffy Chan, P Kenix Yuen and PP WH Fok presented more important information on the subject of RI Youth Policies, how we elevate Rotaract and on projects that resonate with my mission to concentrate on youth welfare and how this Rotary year could bring Youth Issues to the greater attention of our fellow Rotarians.
Our honorable guest Pro. Emil Chan, as well as fellow Rtn. Jacky Luk and Rtn. Paul Pong, however touched on ‘The Digitalisation of RMB’. The seminar attracted other non-Rotarians to participate in these Rotary events, to learn more about Rotary and how, as an institution of society leaders, it is actively involved in the consideration of matters relating to innovation and Hong Kong’s future aspirations.
As August is the month for Membership and new club development, we are glad to inform you all that we have a net gain of 61 Rotarians who have joined the district.
There are two newly established Satellite Clubs, respectively from Rotary Club Hong Kong North Point, the Club called Entrepreneur, and Rotary club of Abacus, the new Satellite club, Guangdong.
Our Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta launched the “Each one Bring One” Initiative that each Rotarian should introduce a new member to join with our Rotary meetings and service projects. Hopefully, even if they are not able to join as a Rotarian, they could still become a member of the RCC. I urge all the Presidents and Officers to have a better understanding of RCC. PDG Jones Wong, who is the Chair Person for RCC, will be able to provide information on how the RCC works. The District always needs quality new members to join our Rotary family.
Interact Clubs
September started with schools resuming after the summer holidays, and I am spending much of the time in attending Interact and Rotaract Installations in order to have better first hand information and closer contact with them. District Interact Chair PP Andrew Wong, DDS Josephine Leung and DDS Rosa Tam are working at full throttle on the Interact Clubs this year so that, hopefully, we can expand our reach to more schools in this area. Right now, we have 3 schools that we are working with and, of course, we would like more.
DG Visit
When all the club installations have finished, starting from Mid August through November, I and my Officers, CDS and AG are drawing attention of all clubs to the District Governor visits to individual clubs or to multi clubs respectively. We are and will be working with clubs, reviewing their plans for their club for the year, and to determine if there are any issues where the District could provide them with assistance. We will also be explaining how different District projects will need the support of the clubs, and we will discuss the purposes behind the projects. As such projects are for a good cause, they are intended to create a significant impact on our society while also bringing further public attention to the work of Rotary in the wider community.
Organ Donation District Project
The next big District project on the horizon is the Organ Donation District Project. I am glad that there are so many clubs involved and contributing to the project, both by their professional skills as well as by generous donations to the project. The hosting clubs are Rotary Club of Hong Kong Northwest, and Rotary Club of The HUB HK.
The Launch Ceremony would be held on the 2nd October and invitations will be sent out to the clubs. It is a project with 3 key programs that will include and aim at all Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, secondary and university students and youth groups.
The Three Parts of the Project
1st part involves the Organ Donation Campaign film and competition;
2nd part involves rallying for as many new organ donors as possible from among Rotarians, their colleagues, friends and associates;
Last part is working with the Organ Donation Committee of the Department of Health to have a public booth set up to spread the message about the merits of becoming an Organ Donor.
The project aims to educate, as well as to promote Organ Donation in our society through the Rotary network, utilising Rotary’s ability and experience to work for worthy causes that need much education and promotion.
DGND nomination in October
Lastly, on the agenda, the district will need to decide on the District Governor successor. Nominations for the DGND election, which will be held in early December, will be opened during Mid October. We will give out further information next month. Our DGND Nomination Committee Chair PDG Peter Wan will release further details next month.
With my hectic and very full timetable as your District Governor, I am very grateful to all the Officers, Presidents, Past President’s and fellow Rotarians for their unrelenting hard work, both for their own clubs as well as for the District Project.
There will be more District projects ahead of us in the coming months, and I hope that all clubs and Rotarians will support and participate in these projects, both for community service purposes as well as just for having fun.
香港天氣,八月炎炎似火,正配合地區的各項活動,也進行得如火如荼。本年度的「地區學習及發展學院」交流講座在8月28 圓滿舉行。超過180位扶輪社友聯同20多位扶青社友出席。大會所邀請的三位主講嘉賓,皆為財經界的專家學者,包括龐寶林社友、陸振球社友、陳家豪教授。他們受到與會者的熱烈歡迎,特別是那些受邀請的外界朋友,藉此次活動認識到扶輪社友多為行業的翹楚及領域上的先導者;而透過親切交流進一步了解扶輪的服務精神所在。
八月定為扶輪社員及扶輪新社發展月。在31/8 社員的淨增長為61位並新增2個衛星社:分別為「香港北角創業家衞星扶輪社」「香港精算廣東衞星扶輪社」。國際扶輪社長Shekhar Mehta 呼籲:每位社友邀請一位新社友入社,而「新」尤為精髓所在。我們不濫求數字上的增長,目標在於擴大接觸面,縱然新朋友未能即時加入為社友,可邀請他們參與扶輪的服務活動,或先行加入為「扶輪社區服務團」團友。有關詳情,可與王仲熹前總監聯絡。
九月伊始,莘莘學子上學忙,我的日程也相應聚焦於出席扶青社及扶少團的交職禮及緊隨的活動。地區扶少委員會由主委PP Andrew Wong 領軍,聯同地區副秘書 Joseph Chan 創社社長及地區副秘書Rosa Tam 前社長並肩統籌地區扶少事項,並積極與中華基督教會、東華三院、保良局、樂善堂等辦學團體洽商創立扶少團。
1) 總監公式訪門各社(八月中至十一月)
1) 總監公式訪問,將於八月中展開,並預計維持至11月。會中將聆聽各社滙報,從而了解各社的現狀及所面對的挑戰並其發展良策。如有任何需要,地區將竭盡所能作出支援,加強社友間的團結及促進扶輪情誼。
2)確認繼任人選:「指定區總監提名人」選舉將於12月初舉行。十月中將展開提名,有意出選者,請聨絡Peter Wan 前總監。