Report on 2021 Council on Resolution & Information on Proposed Legislation – 2022 Council on Legislation

Report on 2021 Council on Resolution & Information on Proposed Legislation – 2022 Council on Legislation

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by PDG Ada Cheng, Council on Legislation Representative of D3450 (2020-2023)


The Council on Resolutions meets online every year to vote on proposed resolutions and/or urgent enactments.

Resolutions are requests to the Board or the Trustees to take an action that is outside the purview of the constitutional documents. Ideally, a resolution should affect the Rotary world, rather than address local or administrative issues. 

Urgent enactments are changes to the constitutional documents, proposed by the RI Board, that the Board has determined cannot wait until the next Council on Legislation, which is held every three years.

Representatives from all Rotary districts vote on resolutions proposed by clubs, districts, the RI Board, and the general council or conference of RIBI. Adopted resolutions are then considered by the RI Board or The Rotary Foundation Trustees to see if any action is required.  Urgent enactments will also be adopted to amend Rotary’s constitutional documents.

The results for the 2021 Council on Resolutions are available at the following link.


Every three years, Representatives from all Rotary districts meet at the Council on Legislation to review and vote on proposed changes to the legislation that governs Rotary. They consider enactments, which change Rotary’s governing documents, and position statements by the RI Board.

The next Council on Legislation will take place from 10-14 April in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Please refer to the link below to get information on “Proposed Legislation – 2022 Council on Legislation”

If you have any comments or would like to share your view on the Proposed Legislation 22-01 to 22-92, please contact PDG Ada Cheng, Council on Legislation Representative of D3450 (2020-2023).