Joint Interact Council Established, updated by CP Joseph Leung, District Interact Committee Chair
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On behalf of District Interact Committee, we are very excited to announce the Joint Interact Council (JIC) has been successfully established on 19th December 2020, the JIC election have gone through a professional process with selection panel members of PDG Eugene Fong, CP David Ho, PP Rosa Pang and myself, each candidate has to submit a 5–10-minute video and express their passion to Interact.

The DIR Installation was conducted on 31st December 2020 in Rotary Information Centre, we would like to take this opportunity to thank DG Eric conducting the installation, and District Youth Committee Chair PDG Eugene Fong as witness.

Below is the member list of Joint Interact Council 2020-21 :
District Interact Representative:
Sandy Deng (Interact Club of Bishop Hall Jubilee School)
JIC (Macau Co-ordinator) :
Gavin Lio (Interact Club of St. Paul School of Macau)
District Conference Chair :
Charlie Lin (Interact Club of Bishop Hall Jubilee School)
IU Chair :
Ana Kwan (Interact Club of Hotung Secondary School)
Service Project Chair :
Lam Sze-ching (Interact Club of Ma Ko Pan Memorial College)
Interact Training Chair :
Carina Lo Yin-man (Interact Club of St. Mark’s School)
Vice Interact Training Chair :
Ng Wai-sin (Interact Club of Ma Ko Pan Memorial College)

We looking forward to their inspirational events and certainly your continuous support to Interact is utmost important.