Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

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By RYLA Chair PP Vicky Woo

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is an intensive leadership experience where young people can develop leadership skills while having fun and making connections.

Who involved?    29 RYLArians are sponsored by 24 Rotary Clubs.

Cooperated with Fullness Social Enterprises Society, 3 workshops were conducted via Zoom on 19 May and 22 May 2021, sharing knowledge and experience on setting up social enterprises, including design thinking, research method and social impact measurement.

Group Project presented by RYLArians on 12 Jun 2021.  While Winner Group is formed with Rotaractors and their proposal 耆園記 is focus on elderly; the two first runner-up groups worked on Grassroots Women and SEN respectively are students of IVE (KT).

Best RYLArian Teo Tang selected in the presence of DG Eric

Every End is a New Beginning

On one hand, we plan to assist the 3 winner groups to apply funding from Hong Kong Government for prototype execution of their proposals.  On the other hand, a Rotaractor Club may form with students of IVE(Kwun Tong).  When we are able to inspire our youths one way or two, then the end of an event will Open Opportunities for a new beginning.