Rtn Sik Ling OR shared his story of donation to the End Polio Fund
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By President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories
ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) Donor, Rtn Sik Ling OR from Rotary Club of New Territories, interviewed by PDG Ada Cheng in the District Rotary Foundation Seminar to share his donation story.
Rotary Club of New Territories has supported and donated to the Rotary Foundation for many years. It has been “Every Rotarian Every Year” (EREY) and 100% Paul Harris Fellow Rotary Club. In addition, Rtn Sik Ling OR made donation to the Rotary Foundation in 2018-19 and became the 10th ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) Donor of Rotary International District 3450 that year. Recently, he was interviewed to share his experience of donating to the Rotary Foundation in the District Rotary Foundation Seminar.
The following is a summary of the interview (to see the interview replay, please click https://youtu.be/i4nQnyGLyVM and https://youtu.be/J7Rnc4Z6ops).
A: Past District Governor Ada CHENG
B: Rtn Sik Ling OR, Arch C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) Donor from Rotary Club of New Territories
Rotary International End Polio Service Project touched Rtn Sik Ling OR
A: Baby, why did you donate to the Rotary Foundation?
B: I would like to talk about this starting from the moment I joined the Rotary Club of New Territories. Back then, my daughter Past President Helen and Past President Frederick Ng introduced me to the Rotary Club of New Territories. The incentive they encouraged me to join was the friendship of Rotary Club of New Territories with Mahjong. But after joining Rotary Club of New Territories, I gradually learned more about Rotary through participating in the service. There are not only friendship and fellowship, but also many opportunities to participate in the service. Like today, I am very happy to learn with you all more about the Rotary Foundation and its contribution to the world. Today, I am still a member of Rotary Club of New Territories. It is because the members of Rotary Club of New Territories do not only kindly call me Baby, but also treat me so nice like a baby. Another more important reason is the service of Rotary International, especially the “End Polio” project. This signature service project of Rotary touched me.
An experience with a classmate suffering from polio
A: I know that you had donated US$200,000 to the End Polio Fund of Rotary Foundation. Why do you especially donate to the End Polio Fund amongst various funds under Rotary Foundation?
B: I believe that many of you have never seen a polio patient. But when I was a young student in Indonesian, one of my classmates was a polio patient. At that time, we all saw her suffering from polio. And it was not only that classmate but also her family who had to suffer the pain and inconvenience brought by the polio treatment. This classmate passed away before finishing high school and suddenly disappeared after a summer vacation. Everyone felt unspeakable sadness.
So when Past District Governor Dr. YC Ho and Past President Frederick Ng invited me to donate to the End Polio Fund of the Rotary Foundation, I felt that there was a sense of mission. Although I did not promise to donate on the spot, I actually have promised to donate in my heart. I told PDG YC Ho that I had to go back and discuss it with my family, because I was the most junior Rotarian at home. Both of my two daughters are Past Presidents. Instead, I have never been a President of a Rotary club! My family members are very supportive. After only one hour of discussion, we all agreed to donate to the End Polio Fund of the Rotary Foundation.
Rotary International’s contribution to the eradication of polio is obvious to all. According to a recent report, only two countries still have polio cases. I believe that with all our efforts, polio will be eradicated very soon in this world. And this is my wish with Rotary.
Rtn Sik Ling OR promotes exchange services to broaden the international horizons of young people with Rotary International
In addition to donation to the Rotary Foundation, Rtn Sik Ling OR from Rotary Club of New Territories is also enthusiastic in promoting youth education, especially exchange services to broaden the international horizons of young people. In 2015-16, Rtn Sik Ling OR, together with Past District Governor Peter Pang and Past President Dr. Haywood Cheung, who is also the Honorary Vice-President of CityU Foundation, led the members of Rotary Club of New Territories to raise fund for a classroom at City University of Hong Kong named after Rotary Club of New Territories. At the same time, Rotary Club of New Territories Student Exchange Scholarship was established to fund the students of City University of Hong Kong to go overseas for exchange. The scholarship has so far supported 8 students of City University of Hong Kong, including two students going to Singapore for exchange even during the epidemic this year.
About Rotary Foundation
Donors who contribute US$250,000 or more may have their portraits displayed in the Arch C. Klumph Gallery at Rotary International’s World Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA. Donors receive a certificate signed by the President of Rotary International and the Chairman of The Rotary Foundation, and they are invited to a special event at annual Rotary International conventions. The society is named in honor of The Rotary Foundation’s founder, Arch C. Klumph.
阿奇‧柯藍夫協會 “ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY “ 捐獻人 – 新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡於地區扶輪基金會研習會接受訪問分享損獻的故事。
新界扶輪社多年來支持及捐獻扶輪基金,一直為 “Every Rotarian Every Year”「每一社員每年捐獻 」 (EREY)及100% 保羅哈里斯之友(Paul Harris Fellow)的扶輪社,其中新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡伉儷更於2018-19年捐款予國際扶輪基金,並成為當年國際扶輪3450地區第10位阿奇‧柯藍夫協會捐獻人。最近,社友柯錫齡獲邀在地區扶輪基金會研習會受訪分享捐獻予扶輪基金的故事。
以下為訪問內容撮要(重温訪問請點擊https://youtu.be/i4nQnyGLyVM及https://youtu.be/J7Rnc4Z6ops) 。
A: 前地區總監鄭瑤璋
B: 阿奇‧柯藍夫協會捐獻人及新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡 Baby
A: Baby ,請問你為何會捐獻予扶輪基金呢?
B: 這個要由我當年加入新界扶輪社開始說起,當年是由我的女兒PP Helen以及PP Frederick Ng介紹我加入新界扶輪社,當初他們鼓勵我加入的誘因是新界扶輪社的聯誼活動有麻雀雀局!但加入新界扶輪社之後,通過參與服務,我逐漸認識扶輪社更多,不單只有friendship及fellowship,還有很多參與服務的機會,像今日我就很高興和大家一起了解扶輪基金更多的知識以及其對世界作出的貢獻。我今日仍為新界扶輪社社友,是因為社友們不單親切地叫我Baby ,還待我如Baby般痛錫我,另一個更重要的原因是國際扶輪的服務特別是根除小兒麻痺症這個服務感動了我。
A: 我知道您為國際扶輪根除除小兒麻痺症基金End Polio End捐獻了20萬美元。扶輪有很多其他基金,你為什麼特別會捐獻給根除小兒麻痺症基金End Polio Fund呢?
所以當前地區總監何汝祥醫生PDG YC Ho及PP Frederick Ng邀請我為國際扶輪根除小兒麻痺症基金End Polio Fund捐獻的時候,我覺得有一種使命感,雖然當時我沒有即場答應捐獻,但其實當時我心裏已經答應了。我當時告訴PDG YC Ho要回去和家人商量,因為回到家裏我的扶輪輩份最小,我的兩個女兒都是PP了,我反而沒有當過社長!但我的家人都非常支持,只商量了一個小時,大家就同意捐獻予國際扶輪根除小兒麻痺症基金End Polio Fund了。
除了捐獻予國際扶輪基金,新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡亦熱心推動青年教育,特別是擴闊青年國際視野的交流服務,其中2015-16年社友柯錫齡就聯同前地區總監彭志宏醫生及新界扶輪社前社長兼城大基金榮譽副會長張德熙博士牽頭新界扶輪社各前社長及社友一起為以新界扶輪社命名的城市大學課室募捐, 並同時成立新界扶輪社學生交流奬學金資助城市大學學生到海外交流,奬學金至今已資助8位城市大學學生,包括今年疫情下兩位到新加坡進行交流的城市大學學生。有關城市大學舉行新界扶輪社課室命名午宴的報道,請查閱以下連結:
大學youtube頻道報道: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAu29A6y998
大學網站報道1: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/foundation/zh-hant/stay-connected/gallery/naming-rotary-club-new-territories-classroom/speeches
大學網站報道2: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/foundation/zh-hant/stay-connected/gallery/naming-rotary-club-new-territories-classroom/luncheon
阿奇‧柯藍夫協會 ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS)捐贈者捐贈多於或等於250,000美元時,其肖像會被展視於美國伊利諾州國際扶輪世界總部阿奇‧柯藍夫展示館。捐贈者會收到一張由國際扶輪社長及扶輪基金會主委親簽的證書,並且受邀參加國際扶輪年會中的特別活動。為紀念扶輪基金創始人阿奇‧柯藍夫,該協會就是以他的名字來命名的。

Rotary Foundation ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) DONOR – Rtn and Mrs. Sik Ling OR from Rotary Club of New Territories
國際扶輪基金阿奇 ‧ 阿藍夫協會捐獻人 – 新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡伉儷

This picture shows Rotary Foundation ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) DONOR, Rtn Sik Ling OR from Rotary Club of New Territories (second from left) and Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Dr. Eric Chak (second from right), Area Six Deputy Assistant Governor Joseph Yim (first from left) and President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories (first from right) at District Rotary Foundation Seminar.
國際扶輪基金阿奇 ‧ 阿藍夫協會 (AKS) 捐獻人新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡(左二)於國際扶輪3450地區扶輪基金會研習會上與地區總監翟慶聰醫生 (右二)、第六地域副助理總監嚴偉豪(左一)及新界扶輪社社長陳志雄(右一)合照。

This picture shows Rotary Foundation ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) DONOR, Rtn Sik Ling OR from Rotary Club of New Territories (left on the front) and Rotary International District 3450 Past District Governor Dr. YC Ho (right on the front) and Area Six Deputy Assistant Governor Joseph Yim (back) at District Rotary Foundation Seminar. Past District Governor Dr. YC Ho and Past President Frederick Ng invited Rtn Sik Ling OR to donate to the End Polio Fund of the Rotary Foundation.
國際扶輪基金阿奇 ‧ 阿藍夫協會 (AKS) 捐獻人新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡(前排左一)於國際扶輪3450地區扶輪基金會研習會上與前地區總監何汝祥醫生PDG YC Ho (前排右一 )合照。前地區總監何汝祥醫生PDG YC Ho當年和新界扶輪社前社長吳漢澄PP Frederick Ng一起邀請柯錫齡社友為國際扶輪個根除小兒麻痺症基金End Polio Fund捐獻。

Rotary Foundation ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) DONOR, Rtn Sik Ling OR from Rotary Club of New Territories was interviewed to share his experience of donating to the Rotary Foundation in the District Rotary Foundation Seminar. (to see the interview replay, please click https://youtu.be/i4nQnyGLyVM and https://youtu.be/J7Rnc4Z6ops).
新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡以國際扶輪基金阿奇 ‧ 阿藍夫協會(AKS)捐獻人身份於國際扶輪3450地區扶輪基金會研習會上接受前地區總監鄭瑤璋的訪問與大家分享捐獻國際扶輪根除小兒麻痺症基End Polio Fund的故事。(重温訪問請點擊https://youtu.be/i4nQnyGLyVM及https://youtu.be/J7Rnc4Z6ops)

This picture shows Rotary Foundation ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) DONOR, Rtb Sik Ling OR from Rotary Club of New Territories (middle), Past President Frederick Ng (first from left) and President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories (second from left) at District Rotary Foundation Seminar. Past District Governor Dr. YC Ho and Past President Frederick invited Rtn Sik Ling OR to donate to the End Polio Fund of the Rotary Foundation.
國際扶輪基金阿奇 ‧ 阿藍夫協會 (AKS) 捐獻人新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡(前排左一)於國際扶輪3450地區扶輪基金會研習會上與新界扶輪社前社長吳漢澄PP Frederick Ng(右一)及新界扶輪社社長陳志雄(左二)合照。新界扶輪社前社長吳漢澄PP Frederick Ng當年和前地區總監何汝祥醫生PDG YC Ho一起邀請柯錫齡社友為國際扶輪個根除小兒麻痺症基金End Polio Fund捐獻。

Rotary Club of New Territories supports the Rotary Foundation –
At District Rotary Foundation Seminar, ARRFC (Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator) and Past District Governor Belinda Yeung and District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair and Past District Governor Jones Wong recognized donation to Rotary International from members of the Rotary Club of New Territories including Rtn Sik Ling OR (Rotary Foundation ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) DONOR), Past District Governor Peter Pang (Level 4 Major Donor) and Immediate Past President Terence Lun (Level 3 Major Donor).
新界扶輪社支持扶輪基金不遺餘力 – 前地區總監兼區域扶輪基金會助理協調人ARRFC (Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator)
楊碧瑤及前地區總監兼地區扶輪基金會委員會主席(District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair) 王仲熹於國際扶輪3450地區扶輪基金會研習會上表揚多位新界扶輪社前社長及社友對國際扶輪基金的貢獻,包括國際扶輪基金阿奇 ‧ 阿藍夫協會 (AKS) 捐獻人社友柯錫齡、第四級巨額捐獻人(Level 4 Major Donor)前地區總監彭志宏醫生以及第三級巨額捐獻人(Level 3 Major Donor)卸任社長倫天祐。

This picture shows Rotary Foundation ARCH C. KLUMPH SOCIETY (AKS) DONOR, Rtn Sik Ling OR from Rotary Club of New Territories (middle), his daughter Area 11 Assistant Governor Anna Or (second from the right), Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Dr. Eric Chak (second from the left), ARRFC (Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator) and Past District Governor Belinda Yeung (first from the left) and District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair and Past District Governor Jones Wong (first from the right) at Intercity Meeting 2021.
國際扶輪基金阿奇 ‧ 阿藍夫協會 (AKS) 捐獻人新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡(中)及其女兒國際扶輪3450地區第11地域助理總監柯靜莉(右二)於國際扶輪3450地區扶輪基金會埠際會議Intercity Meeting上與地區總監翟慶聰醫生 (左二) 、前地區總監兼區域扶輪基金會助理協調人楊碧瑤(左一)及前地區總監兼地區扶輪基金會委員會主席王仲熹(右一)合照。

In 2015-16, Rtn Sik Ling OR, together with Past District Governor Peter Pang and Past President Dr. Haywood Cheung, who is also the Honorary Vice-President of CityU Foundation, led the members of the Rotary Club of New Territories to raise fund for a classroom at City University of Hong Kong named after the Rotary Club of New Territories. The picture shows a group photo of Rtn Sik Ling OR(left), President and University Distinguished Professor Way Kuo (middle) and Past District Governor Peter Pang (right).
2015-16年新界扶輪社社友柯錫齡聯同前地區總監彭志宏醫生及新界扶輪社前社長兼城大基金榮譽副會長張德熙博士牽頭新界扶輪社各前社長及社友一起為以新界扶輪社命名的城市大學課室募捐, 圖為命名午宴上社友柯錫齡(左)與城市大學校長郭位(中)及前地區總監彭志宏醫生(右)合照。

The picture shows Rtn Sik Ling OR and Past District Governor Peter Pang taking pictures together with members of the Rotary Club of New Territories at the classroom of City University of Hong Kong named after the Rotary Club of New Territories.

In addition to donation to the Rotary Foundation, Rtn Sik Ling OR from Rotary Club of New Territories is also enthusiastic in promoting youth education, especially exchange services to broaden the international horizons of young people. In 2015-16, Rotary Club of New Territories Student Exchange Scholarship was established by Rtn Sik Ling OR and Past District Governor Peter Pang to fund the students of City University of Hong Kong to go overseas for exchange. The scholarship has so far supported 8 students of City University of Hong Kong, including two students going to Singapore for exchange even during the epidemic this year. The picture is the cover of the annual disposition report of the fund.

Rotary Club of New Territories Student Exchange Scholarship has so far supported 8 City University of Hong Kong students, including two students going to Singapore for exchange even during the epidemic this year.