Rotary International District 3450 & Cyberport Join Hands to Create Smart Park
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“2021 Co-Create Smart Park Challenge” aims at facilitating sustainable development with creative designs
Hong Kong, 5 June 2021 – Rotary International District 3450 and Cyberport announced collaborative projects to facilitate sustainable development and environmental conservation, including the joint competition “2021 Co-Create Smart Park Challenge”. The competition will recruit creative and feasible proposals that could be implemented in a smart park from young people and professionals from the Innovation and Technology industry, to promote the sustainable development of smart city initiatives. The launching ceremony was held today on the United Nations World Environment Day and marked the official admission of Rotary International District 3450 into the Cyberport Enterprise Network (CEN), where both parties would strengthen cooperation on different fields such as, environmental protection and innovation, service for teenagers and the provision of vocational training in innovation and technology.
Officiating guests of the ceremony comprised Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Dr. Eric Chak, District Governor-Elect Mr. Keith Chau, Cyberport’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Peter Yan and Chief Public Mission Officer Mr. Eric Chan. Peter Yan, Chief Executive Officer of Cyberport said, “Cyberport continues to be committed to creating social value through innovative technologies. It is our mission to help start-ups and the digital tech community address pain-points in society, while promoting its sustainable development. I am glad that Rotary International District 3450 has become one of Cyberport’s partners upon joining CEN. This raises the influence of the CEN and provides our community with more opportunities to serve the public.”
Dr. Eric Chak, District Governor of Rotary International District 3450 mentioned, “While Rotary International District 3450 has long collaborated with Cyberport to drive social innovation, the formalisation of our partnership with Cyberport ties in with our theme this year ‘Rotary Open Opportunities’, as well as our new area of focus ‘Supporting Environment’. Looking forward, we would like to strengthen our partnership on all fronts, especially in promoting environmental conservation, youth services, and vocational training in innovation technology.”
2021 Co-Create Smart Park Challenge
At the event, collaborative schemes with Cyberport related to sustainable development and environmental conservation were introduced by President-Elects of local Rotary Clubs, echoing the coming Rotary International’s theme of “Serve To Change Lives”. The “2021 Co-Create Smart Park Challenge”, a key event in the line-up, will be divided into the Student and Open groups. Entrants are required to submit creative and feasible smart park proposals that takes reference from the Tsuen Wan Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park, Cyberport Waterfront Park or other public facilities.
Seminars, workshops and field visits will be arranged to deepen participants’ understanding on smart parks. Once candidates are shortlisted, representatives from Rotary Club, together with Cyberport’s’ professional business leaders will assigned to be their mentors and offer assistance to polish their ideas. In addition to cash prizes and other awards, winners will be given the opportunity to exhibit their winning entries in a joint event between Rotary International District 3450 and Cyberport and on their respective platforms. Winning entries may also be able to implemented their creative proposals to contribute to the creation of smart parks. Please refer to for registration details.
Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer of Cyberport said, “We hope this competition will engage young people and start-ups to unleash their creativity and create innovative and people-oriented designs to create smart parks. Apart from improving parks’ environment and management, we welcome ideas that will enhance park users’ experience through the application of technology. We will also actively consider adopting participant’s proposals in our project to enhance Cyberport’s Waterfront Park to create a more enjoyable and accessible park for our visitors.”
During the launching ceremony, a panel discussion on the creation of smart parks was held. Duncan Chiu , Director of Cyberport and Chairman of Lai Yuen Company Limited , Professor Karen Cheung, Executive President & Secretary-General of UNESCO Hong Kong Association, and Albert Wong, Partner of Public Sector Consulting from PwC Hong Kong, were invited to share their insights. The panel discussed global smart city development trends, international standards of sustainable development, in addition to hands-on experience of operating smart parks through innovation and technology. For replay of the panel discussion, please visit
About Rotary International District 3450
Rotary International gathers leaders from worldwide voluntary service organizations to form a global network that upholds noble ethics and offers philanthropic services. Until now, Rotary International has more than 35,000 clubs, with around 1.2 million Rotarians in over 200 countries and regions. All Rotarians share the motto “Service Above Self”to turn enthusiasm into all kinds of meaningful services via the global network. These services by Rotarians facilitate regional and international cooperation and change the world with mutual trust and peace. Being one of the Districts under Rotary International, Rotary International District 3450 covers Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia and The People’s Republic of China – Guangdong Province. As of 30 June 2020, Rotary International District 3450 has 2,700 members in total. For more information, please visit
About Cyberport
Cyberport is an innovative digital community with over 1,650 start-ups and technology companies. It is managed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, which is wholly owned by the Hong Kong SAR Government. With a vision to be the hub for digital technology thereby creating a new economic driver for Hong Kong, Cyberport is committed to nurturing a vibrant tech ecosystem by cultivating talent, promoting entrepreneurship among youth, supporting start-ups on their growth journey, fostering industry development by promoting strategic collaboration with local and international partners, and integrating new and traditional economies by accelerating digital transformation in the public and private sectors. For more information, please visit
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「2021構建智能公園」比賽 創意設計推動可持續發展
香港,2021年6月5日 – 國際扶輪3450地區與香港數碼港宣佈可持續發展及環境保育的合作項目,包括合辦「2021構建智能公園」比賽,希望能吸引年青人及創科界人才,徵集創意與執行性兼備的智能公園方案,推動可持續的智慧城市發展。活動於今天聯合國世界環境日舉行啟動禮,並標誌着國際扶輪3450地區正式加入「數碼港企業網絡」(Cyberport Enterprise Network, CEN) ,雙方將進一步加強環境保育、青少年、創意及科技職業訓練等領域的合作。
啓動儀式的主禮嘉賓包括國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生、候任地區總監周基業、數碼港行政總裁任景信及數碼港首席公眾使命官陳思源。數碼港行政總裁任景信表示 :「數碼港一直積極推動創新科技創造社會價值,冀能協助初創企業及科技社群,惠及社會解決痛點,同時推動社會經濟持續發展。我很高興國際扶輪3450區能正式加入成為數碼港夥伴,進一步提升『數碼港企業網絡』的輻射能力,為我們的創科社群帶來更多機會服務社會。」
國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生表示: 「 國際扶輪3450地區與數碼港一直合作策動社會創新(social innovation),今年適逢國際扶輪的主題為『打開機會』 (Open Opportunities)並以支持環境(Supporting Environment)為新的服務焦點,作為我們正式合作起點,希望未來將進一步加強雙方全方位合作,推動特別是環境保育青少年、創意及科技職業訓練服務。」
活動上雙方由一眾來屆扶輪社社長介紹2021年與數碼港有關的可持續發展及環境保育合作項目,以配合來屆國際扶輪的主題「以服務改善人生」(Serve To Change Lives)。其中重點項目為「2021構建智能公園」比賽,比賽分學界及公開組別,形式會以徵集創意計劃書進行,希望可以吸引年青人及創科界人才以國際扶輪的公園如荃灣大帽山的扶輪公園、數碼港海濱公園或其他公共設施為背景,提交創意與執行性兼備的智能公園方案。
數碼港首席公眾使命官陳思源表示: 「我們希望可以透過是次比賽,激發起年輕人和初創的創意思維,以人為本地將科技應用到公園場景,設計出能夠提升公園管理水平、改善公園環境及提升公眾體驗的智能公園方案。我們亦會積極研究採納合適方案於數碼港海濱公園的優化計劃中,冀能為園區的使用者,建構一個更舒適便捷的海濱公園。」
活動並邀得數碼港董事及荔園有限公主席邱達根 (Mr. Duncan Chiu)、 香港聯合國教科文組織協會執行會長兼秘書長張沁教授 (Prof. Karen Cheung)及普華永道政府和公共事務咨詢服務合夥人王君弼 (Mr. Albert Wong) ,舉行一場以構建可持續發展的智能公園為題的論壇,探討全球智慧城市發展相關趨勢、可持續發展的國際標準,以及運用創意與科技發展智能公園的實際經驗。重温論壇直播請瀏覽
國際扶輪凝聚全球志願服務組織的領袖組成一個環球網路,宣導崇高道德,提供博愛服務。至今,國際扶輪遍佈超過200個國家和地區,有35,000多個扶輪社,120多萬名社員。扶輪社員的共同理想是“超我服務”,通過環球網路,把熱誠衍化成各種有意義的服務,有序地計畫在國際和區域間促進合作和夥伴關係,建立互信與和平,為各社區帶來轉變。國際扶輪3450地區是國際扶輪其中一個成員區,其範圍包括香港、澳門、蒙古國以及中華人民共和國廣東省在內。截至2020年6月30日止,國際扶輪 3450地區的社員人數為2,700人。